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Relationships are never constant. They always change, and they – as everything else in the world – are subject to entropy. And if someone doesn’t invest time and energy into it and doesn’t learn how to keep the spark of romance and sexual lust ablaze, the fire will be extinguished and the relationship is going to collapse at best into inertia and boredom, at worst, into infidelity and divorce.
And this knowledge will not come from the woman herself. Countless men cry on the couch of their therapists, saying “if only she would tell me what she wants,” not understanding that this specific mindset is what ruining the marriage. If you want to save your relationship and ignite the firestorm of lust, you have to take the matters into your own hands, and act – instead of being acted upon.
Michael Fiore’s Text Your Wife Into Bed is the perfect guide that teaches you how to do so. You will learn how to make your significant other not only want to make love but to initiate it. You will learn how to maintain the sexual fire of a healthy relationship and how to avoid making mistakes that, though they areunequivocally accepted to be helpful,but in truth, only destroy the fabric of a marriage.
Michael Fiore’s Text Your Wife Into Bed is going to teach the customer how to maintain a sexually satisfying relationship. It points out hard-to-swallow truths about the nature of women and that of relationships, shattering the false belief of millions who falsely believe the narrative of love stories and the romantic tools used in dramas. They are wrong and everyone who believes them is being misled to the very end of their love life.
He shows how the modern symbols of courtships are all completely useless tools of seduction, pointing out the fact that flowers, jewelry, and spending a fortune on luxurious dinner has nothing to do whatsoever with the sexual flame of a relationship. These things do not turn on a woman. They do not help in seducing her to bed. They are nice tokens of admiration, but they are just that, and using them as a means to sexual ends will inevitably end in failure.
Text Your Wife Into Bed explains the nature of female sexual desire and that it is always present in a woman’s mind. The lust from her will not die out, but her man has to earn the privilege of being with her in the bed. It is not a right, and you are not entitled for that. You have to learn the skills to turn her sexual desire towards you once more, and awaken her primal lust to want you, which requires the knowledge Michael Fiore’s guide contains.
Indeed, Text Your Wife Into Bed gives you a profound insight into female sexuality, explaining exactly everything you will need to know and do to turn on your significant other. As a great philosopher once said – even though she talked about money – it will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver. The guide will give you the tools you need to have, the words you need to say, but it will not do the hard job for you.
The Fire Within
Remember when I said that the mindset of “if only she would tell me what she wants” is exactly what is ruining marriages? This is a key concept that isthoroughly explainedin the guide. The primary character trait a woman is seeking in a man is his ability to be able to win the competition over resources and provide them to her and their children while she is pregnant or breastfeeding. This is an ancient drive that has emerged through eons of natural selection. The offspring of females who didn’t seek this trait had higher mortality rate and therefore their genes didn’t reproduce as much.
When a man tries to be submissive or pleasing, he is showing the opposite of this trait. Buying flowers may be a cute and nice gesture,but when he is buying flowers in hopes of sexual favors, he shows that he is unable to take the lead. When he begs the woman to tell him what she wants so that he may provide it, he is destroying his sexual market value in the eyes of his partner. If you are not able to dominate – not in a violent way, but simply to be a leader instead of a submissive man, following orders – you will quickly see the sexual spark from the relationship extinguish.
This is the source of hypergamy. Hypergamy is men’s most dreaded enemy. Women naturally want to secure the male who is most able to provide resources and hypergamy is the process when they change their current mate to a better, stronger, more competitive one. Women think of men as men think of jobs: if you would be offered a job that pays three times as your current one, a new position where you have to work less and would give you more enjoyment, security and pleasure, you would instantly make your decision. In general, women think the same about men.
If you do not learn how to be a leader, if you do not learn the skills of showing sexualdominance, hypergamy is your inevitable fate.Text Your Wife Into Bed gives you the knowledge that saves you from that nightmare. It shows you that the sexual desires of your mate are awake and alive, a burning fire that never died off, and it shows you how to tame it within 4 days.
It is more about you having sex. Text Your Wife Into Bed may very well save your whole marriage. For $67 you will receive a guide that teaches you the principles of a sustainable relationship and the techniques with which you may trigger the sexual instincts of your significant other anytime you wish through a couple of text messages. All the relationships and dating advices you have ever heard are myths exactly because they are propagated primarily by women – and as I have explained you before, they do not want to tell you what they want.
This guide is written by someone who has vast experience in the sexual and romantic life. It is clear, it is logical and reasonable, and it offers so many practical advices that you will literally turn into a positively different person in four days. Following the instructions ofMichael Fiore’s Text Your Wife Into Bed, you will become not only a man with a sexually satisfied life and mate, but also a natural leader.
Click Here to Buy Text Your Wife Into Bed
– Learn how to sexually satisfy your wife at bed if you do not possess strong emotional characteristics.
– Understand various methods to meet sexual desires of women so that you can perform accordingly.
– Get access to effective texts which can increase love and affection within your wife.
– Various other tips and tricks which have proved to develop strong bonding between husband and wife.
The program does not aims to give guaranteed results as it mostly depends on relationship status.
Summary: Text Your Wife Into Bed is a marriage protection program made by Micheal Fiore exclusively for men who are unable to meet the sexual desires of their wives. So if you think man power is the main factor behind the breakdown of your married life, Text Your Wife In Bed has the best tips which can help you in best regard.